0. Alstot
Private First Class
Died: May 11, 1945
of wound received in action on Luzon May 11, 1945
served his country four years and had to his credit 13,030
hours of combat
history of the 32nd Infantry Division.
As a member of Company I, 128th Infantry, he participated
in invasions of Buna,
Saidor, Aitape, Morotai, Leyte, and Luzon, much of his service
being as a scout
and on patrol.
He was awarded a Presidential unit citation. Son of Mrs.
Emma A. Aistot, now of
Monrovia, and the late Orval C. Aistot, he attended elementary
and high schools
in Tustin. He was a National Guardsman for 18 months before
induction into the
Army Mar. 3, 1941. After training at San Luis Obispo he
was sent overseas
Apr. 22, 1942.
Map Location for Alstot Court, Tustin, CA - Map
Provided By: Tustin
Community Foundation
Tustin Patriots Pioneers - Chairperson Donna Perry 714 838-1806
CA Military Heroes