James Clifford Lucero
U.S. Army
Born: March 1, 1949
Killed in Action -
June 13, 1969

Fort Rosecrans
National cemetery
Tustin Military Heroes
James Clifford Lucero Sergeant , United States Army
Company B, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Division
Killed in Action 13 June 1969 -
Mekong Delta, Vietnam
James Lucero was born in Halstead, Kansas on March 1, 1969, son of Navy Veteran Frank Lucero and Gladys Berry Lucero. He was the middle of the three sons, Frank Jr, James and Charles (Chuck).
James Lucero had attended Tustin elementary schools and Tustin High, graduating with the Class of 1968. He was an excellent athlete and while at Tustin High, lettered in both basketball and track.
His real love was baseball, especially the NY Yankees. There was often a neighborhood home run derby on Mantle Street, where the family lived. He didn’t play baseball in school but was a stand-out and all-star in Little League.
His brother Chuck said that Jim was a popular guy in school, had good leadership qualities and a very protective personality. He often stood up for others, especially his friends and it seemed that everything came easy for him.
Jim had worked in construction jobs while in high school and was a supervisor in a manufacturing company when he enlisted in the Army. After completing basic training, he received the Distinguished Trainee Award for his platoon at Fort Ord.
Sgt Lucero had served his country in Vietnam for six months and had just received his rank promotion to sergeant when he became part of a combat operation on June 11th in the Meking Delta. Two days later he was killed during a rocket and mortar attack by enemy forces, He was just 19 years old.
He was engaged to be married upon his return from Vietnam. He is buried at Fort Rosecrans National cemetery in San Diego.
Video Fort Ord
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